The Board Takes Action (July 2008)

Apr. 2008

Board's Action



Received the financial report as of March 31, 2008

Revenues were reported at $12.4 million and expenses at $14.6 million, the difference due primarily to board-approved early booking of an Assurance Services Inc., transaction and, with the changes in the stock market, a paper loss on investments. Overall, actual expenses were under budget, and the association continued to maintain a positive fund balance.


Voted to offer the Social Work journal to NASW members online, with print versions provided only by request

The action was adopted unanimously to reduce expenses and be environmentally conscious. It was adopted during a discussion of the fiscal year 2008-09 budget scheduled to be presented to the board in late June. The discussion included a review of a number of cost-saving and revenue-generating provisions in the proposed budget, such as substituting electronic meetings for in-person meetings and marketing the forthcoming e-book version of the new Encyclopedia of Social Work, 20th Edition.

Withdrew the Board of Directors' proposed amendment regarding authority to amend bylaws from the 2008 Delegate Assembly agenda

The board's amendment was one of two proposed, somewhat similar amendments dealing with authority to amend NASW's bylaws. The board chose to withdraw its own amendment so that only one proposal on authority to amend the bylaws will be considered at the Delegate Assembly.


Notes: An action by the board to "receive" a report does not imply approval of the report in its entirety. Specifically, recommendations for board action included in a report are not adopted unless the board takes specific action to approve them. This list may not necessarily contain all actions the board took and actions that are reported elsewhere in the News.
