The Board Takes Action (October 2014)

June 2014

Board's Action



Received the financial report for the period ending April 2014

As of April 30, 2014, total assets were $16.7 million, and total liabilities and deferred income were $13.7 million, resulting in total net assets of $2.9 million.


Approved the strategic plan

The board approved the amended NASW 2014-2017 strategic plan “Advancing Social Work & Social Justice, Strengthening the Fabric of American Society and America’s Social Safety Net.”

Approved the FY 2014-15 program plan

The board voted to approve the FY 2014-15 program plan, which is aligned with the approved strategic plan and integrates current Delegate Assembly goals. The plan provides a roadmap for the association to move in one direction.


Adopted the resolution to take preliminary steps to terminate the defined benefit pension plan

The board voted to adopt the resolution authorizing commencement of the process to terminate the NASW defined benefit pension plan beginning on or about Oct. 15, 2014, if specific conditions outlined in the resolution are met.


Approved the April 2014 minutes as amended

The board voted to amend the minutes to reflect that the board-approved operating budget deficit of $2 million for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015, would be funded from growth in long-term investments, not debt.

Received the Chapter/National Modernization Task Force update

Task Force Chairwoman Dr. Yvonne Chase gave the update report, which included observations, challenges and questions that have emerged during the information gathering and assessment phase of the task force work. One item of discussion is the duplication of administrative functions throughout the association and whether there may be economies of scale if administrative functions could be centralized.

Approved the charge for the Member Engagement Modernization Task Force

The purpose of the Member Engagement Modernization Task Force is to examine ways to maximize member involvement and to enhance communication within the organization. The task force will begin its work this fall.

Postponed the joint ASI/NASW vision statement agenda item

The board voted to postpone until October the item on the joint ASI/NASW vision statement, largely because of the timing of the change in the composition of the NASW and ASI boards.

Notes: An action by the board to “receive” a report does not imply approval of the report in its entirety. Specifically, recommendations for board action included in a report are not adopted unless the board takes specific action to accept them. This list summarizes the main actions taken by the board.
