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Progress on Advancing the Improving Access to Mental Health Act (H.R 2035/ S. 870)

The Senate Finance Committee (SFC) released its mental health workforce discussion draft component of its mental health legislative package (read a summary). We are pleased to report that 2 of the 3 provisions of the Improving Access to Mental Health Act are included in section 12 of the discussion draft. These provisions include allowing clinical social workers to provide Part B services to residents of skilled nursing facilities and allowing clinical social workers to bill for HBAI services.

NASW has taken an array of actions to influence what provisions were included in the SFC bills, including the following letters. We also mobilized Chapters and members and worked in coalition with other organizations.

NASW’s letters:

Further, all 3 provisions of the Improving Access to Mental Health Act, are also included in the Health Equity and Accountability Act (H.R. 7585/S. 4486). We wish to thank NASW leadership and members for their continued advocacy that contributed to these important developments to advance access to care and to strengthen the social work workforce. We will continue to provider regular updates as the Senate continues to develop its comprehensive mental health and SUD legislation and will call on you to help ensure that these important provisions are enacted into law.

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NASW's Advocacy Day on capitol hill

NASW Advocacy Day on Capitol Hill

2024 Advocacy Day on Capitol Hill brought over 200 social workers to Capitol Hill

Read about their advocacy work on behalf of social workers and those they serve

Pioneers at 2023 event

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The 2023 NASW Social Work Pioneers program honored members who contributed to the evolution and enrichment of the social work profession.

Learn more about the Pioneer program and the social workers who transformed our profession.

Sarah Butts in front of the Capitol

How NASW Advocates for the Profession

Learn how NASW advocates for social work