The Board Takes Action (June 2009)

April and May 2009

Board's Action



Received the financial report as of Feb. 28, 2009.

For the fiscal year-to-date, total revenue was $12.4 million. Expenses were $11.9 million, a decrease of approximately $924,000 from the same period last year. Savings were attributed primarily to cost containment efforts in travel, the change to a virtual Delegate Assembly and decreased salary and benefit costs. Total net asset position for the period was $13.2 million, a decline from last year, due to unrealized losses on investments. Total liabilities as compared to the same period last year had also declined.


Approved the FY 2009-10 Program Plan.

The Program Plan includes new Association initiatives to reach the goals set by the 2008 Delegate Assembly.


Adopted policies and proposed resolution.

The Board adopted policies on joint venture, document retention, and compensation and continued policies on conflict of interest and whistle blowers. The Board also approved a resolution indicating adoption of the policies. The policies are recommended by the IRS as a measure of "best practices" in governance and are related to the revised Form 990, which NASW files annually as a tax-exempt non-profit corporation.


Notes: An action by the board to "receive" a report does not imply approval of the report in its entirety. Specifically, recommendations for board action included in a report are not adopted unless the board takes specific action to approve them. This list may not necessarily contain all actions the board took and actions that are reported elsewhere in the News.
