Social Work Student Events

collage of young adults taking a webinar

NASW invites all social work students and recent graduates to our student-focused series to enhance your skills and connect you with colleagues from across the country. NASW members and non-members are all welcome to attend. 

NASW student events are held on the third Thursday of each month from 6:00-7:30 pm ET.

Registration is free.

Upcoming Events for Social Work Students

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome as a New Social Worker

Thursday, November 21, 2024
6:00 - 7:30 pm ET

In this student webinar, we will explore the common challenges of self-doubt that many new social workers experience. This workshop will provide practical strategies for managing imposter syndrome, embracing discomfort, and cultivating self-confidence. Attendees will gain insights into how fear and self-doubt can be harnessed as evidence of growth, while learning ways to build resilience and thrive in their social work careers.

Presenter: Ke’Ana Robinson, LSW

Register for "Overcoming Imposter Syndrome as a New Social Worker"

Ethics & Boundaries as a Social Work Student: How to Handle Sticky Situations

Thursday, December 19, 2024
6:00 - 7:30 pm ET

Social work students face many ethical dilemmas, from complex supervisor-supervisee relationships, to understanding client needs, to balancing the time spent in school, work, and during your internship. This workshop will discuss how the NASW Code of Ethics is connected to the social work student experience and provide the tools and resources to navigate difficult situations.

Register for "Ethics & Boundaries as a Social Work Student: How to Handle Sticky Situations"

Using Social Work Case Vignettes to Prepare for Your Licensing Exam

Thursday, January 16, 2025
6:00 - 7:30 pm ET

Register for "Using Social Work Case Vignettes to Prepare for Your Licensing Exam"

Past Events for Social Work Students

Prepping for the 2024 Elections: What Social Work Students Can Do

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Social work IS political! All social work students are invited to a critical discussion with national social work organizers to explore ways to make an impact building up to the November elections.

We Are All Macro Social Workers  

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Do you want to get more involved in advocacy efforts, but worry that you don’t have the time? Curious about leadership opportunities, but are not sure where to start? Being a board member, serving on a legislative committee, and contacting your legislators are exciting experiences that take less time than you may think. This student series event will break down some of the barriers to macro level careers and volunteer opportunity. Come share your experiences and learn from longtime NASW volunteer and elected leader, Kristi Wood, MSW, CAPSW, about her journey and advice to the next generation of social workers. Free for all to attend!

Watch a recording of "We Are All Macro Social Workers"

Joining NASW As A Student. How to Get Involved In Your Professional Organization

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Are you a social work student beginning your professional journey? Join with NASW staff & learn ways to build your network across the country, explore educational & career resources, & find out ways to get involved in your professional association!

Watch a recording of "Joining NASW As A Student. How to Get Involved In Your Professional Organization"

Protesting and Campus Activism: What Social Work Students Should Know 

Thursday, May 16, 2024

NASW invites our social work student and faculty community to join us for an upcoming free webinar with the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) on knowing your rights when you protest on campus. Tyler Takemoto, a William J. Brennan Fellow with the ACLU’s Speech, Privacy, and Technology Project will provide an overview of the current national landscape of campus organizing, and provide social workers with information regarding: protected rights, potential differences on public and private campuses, risk management (what to do in case of arrest), surveillance concerns, and organizations to connect to for current resources. Bring your campus experiences and questions!

Watch a recording of "Protesting and Campus Activism: What Social Work Students Should Know"

What to Know Before You Go: Social Work Scholarship After Graduation 

Thursday, April 18, 2024

In this webinar, you’ll hear from librarians about how to apply the research skills you developed in your programs out in the real world. Join us as we introduce you to some of the resources, tools, and spaces that will support your practice as a lifelong learner and social worker.

Watch a recording of "What to Know Before You Go: Social Work Scholarship After Graduation"

Missed Connections: Modern Networking for Social Workers 

Thursday, March 21, 2024

All social work students are invited to a special Social Work Month networking event. Come meet and connect with your future colleagues from all across the nation, share resources, and help plan the future of social work!


  • Silas Ortiz (NASW Michigan- MSW Student Intern)
  • Isabel Cruz (NASW WV- MSW Student Intern)
  • Cheyenne Woodall (NASW KY- Bluegrass Rep)
  • Josh Adams (NASW KY- BSW Student Rep)
  • Sarah High (NASW Iowa- MSW Student Intern)

Exploring Careers in Medical Social Work 

Thursday, February 15, 2024

What is medical social work and what different types of job opportunities exist within the healthcare area? NASW invites all social workers to our February Student Series event, where we will explore the variety of career and leadership opportunities within medical settings. A panel of social work leaders will share their career trajectories, provide guidance for future social workers, and answer your questions about getting your dream job.

Watch a recording of "Exploring Careers in Medical Social Work"

When Micro Meets Macro in Advocacy

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Learn ways that micro-focused BSW and MSW students can get involved in Macro advocacy as we enter a big election year. We will explore potential partnerships for student organizing; including with Unify America, Campus Vote Project, Civic Influencers, Vot-ER, League of Women Voters, and ACLU. Bring your questions, resources, and opportunities to be engaged across the country.

Watch a recording of "Micro Meets Macro in Advocacy"

Advocacy & Building Coalitions in Social Work: Where to Start?

Thursday, December 21, 2023

What happened in 2023 politically and what was social works' role? NASW invites all social work students to a special event to end the year, where we will recap some of the year's big advocacy and coalition efforts, discuss ways students can be involved in state and national initiatives, and to hear from our student community about your legislative and advocacy priorities going into an election year.

Watch a recording of "Advocacy & Building Coalitions in Social Work: Where to Start?"

Social Work and Higher Education: A Career Exploration

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Presenter: Rachel Naasko, DSW, LMSW-Clinical

Social workers are increasingly finding their way to student affairs roles. However, higher education as a practice area for social workers is often opaque to both students and professionals. The Association of Social Workers in Higher Education (ASWHE) will host a conversation that will explore various opportunities that exist for social workers in higher education settings, as well as how professionals across disciplines can work collaboratively towards student development and success.

Watch a recording of "Social Work and Higher Education: A Career Exploration"

Creating Freedom and Flexibility as a Social Worker 

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Sojourner White, MSW will lead a discussion about fulfilling your career goals and bucket list dreams, building in freedom and flexibility.

Watch a recording of "Creating Freedom and Flexibility as a Social Worker"

Social Impact Horizon: Navigating Grand Challenges in Social Work

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Join NASW and the Social Work Grand Challenges for an enriching and dynamic program designed exclusively for social work students, aimed at deepening your understanding of the profession's most pressing issues and fostering the skills necessary to drive positive change.

Watch a recording of "Social Impact Horizon: Navigating Grand Challenges in Social Work"

Maximizing Your Social Work Student Journey

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Are you ready to see how you can maximize your journey this academic year?? Finding the balance between academic excellence and living life. Join Resia Cooper, MSW, and your peers to discuss how to find the balance between academic excellence and social life, making connections on campus and beyond, and developing a plan for your success as a student and post graduation.

Watch a recording of "Maximizing Your Social Work Student Journey"

The Changing Landscape of Student Loan Repayment: What Social Work Borrowers Need to Know

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Understanding and managing your student loans is challenging, especially with the ever-changing student loan landscape. This webinar provides up-to-date information on student loan forgiveness and repayment options from NASW's partner SAVI. Learn how you can lower your student loan payments and possibly qualify to have part of your student debt forgiven.

Savi helps loan borrowers discover new repayment and loan forgiveness options. So far, Savi has identified more than $200 million in projected forgiveness for student loan borrowers who have signed up with Savi.

Building Your Personal Brand as an Emerging Social Worker

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Join NASW and nationally known social work career coach Harleny Vasquez, LMSW, as she facilitates a conversation on how emerging social workers can build your personal brand to market themselves effectively to get hired using platforms such as LinkedIn.

Watch a recording of "Building Your Personal Brand as an Emerging Social Worker"

Dual Degrees in Social Work

Thursday, June 15, 2023

It is not uncommon for social workers to consider dual degree programs during undergrad, graduate, or doctoral programs. What can be some of the benefits of combining degrees and specialties? Hear directly from a panel of dual-degreed individuals about their experiences and career trajectories.

Watch a recording of "Dual Degrees in Social Work"

You’re There for a Reason: Keeping Your "Social Workiness"

May 18, 2023

Social workers often find themselves one of a few or one of one social workers in their agency or milieu. It is easy to become absorbed into the perspectives of other professions when you are outnumbered. This NASW Student Series webinar will focus on how important it is for new (and seasoned) social workers not to lose their mission and values – their “social workiness.” You were hired into your position for a reason, whether your boss knows that reason or not. We will discuss how you can advocate for your clients, yourself, and your profession.

Presenter: Lynn Stanley, LICSW. Executive Director NASW-NH and NASW-VT

Watch a recording of "You're There for a Reason: Keeping Your "Social Workiness""

Social Work Month Student Networking Event

March 16, 2023

All social work students are invited to a special Social Work Month networking event! Meet fellow advocates from across the country, expand your social work toolkit, and win some social work swag.

NASW Virtual Career Fair

January 31, 2023

Whether you're seeking a new social work job or looking to hire new employees,the Virtual Career Fair can help.

Preparing For Your Early Career

January 19, 2023

Do you wonder what your first social work job will be like? Join us to learn what your early career could be in different areas of practice.

Watch a recording of "Preparing For Your Early Career"

Dream Job

December 15, 2022

Do you have questions on how to market your skills and experience to best project yourself to an employer? Need tips for creating a resume and cover letter that makes you stand out to interviewers. Learn about tools for your career search and to get prepared to enter the social work workforce.

Watch a recording of "Dream Job"

The Movement Towards Paid Social Work Field Placements

November 17, 2022

Learn more about the movements for paid social work field placements across the United States, organizing at schools of social work, recent successes, and how you can get involved. Free for everyone.

Social Work Student Leadership and Organizing on Campus

October 20, 2022

Student leadership is essential for maximizing your collegiate experience. Network, explore opportunities for campus and community leadership, and learn strategies for making your student organization more efficient and engaging. Attendees will also hear directly from a panel of social work student leaders about their experiences and the impact of their involvement.

Impacting the 2022 Election: How Social Work Students Can Empower Voters

September 15, 2022

Social workers understand from long experience that the key obstacles to social welfare are structural and systemic, enacted through social and economic policy. One key route to better policy is through better government, which mean electing the right leaders.

Learn how to activate their communities, agencies, and clients towards the November elections and turn out the vote across the United States. Learn how to get involved, strategies for engagement, and efforts going on across the country.

Managing Student Social Work Debt: What You Need to Know in 2022

August 18, 2022

Managing your student loans as a social worker comes with unique challenges. Many social workers have both undergraduate and post-graduate education, leading to more debt than for many other professionals. And a high percentage of social workers are employed in the public sector or in non-profit agencies. While this can often mean lower salaries than in the private sector, it also means potential benefits from the federal government for student loan repayment.

NASW has partnered with Savi, a student loan technology company, to provide our members with access to resources and expertise to better understand, manage, and repay student loan debt. This student series webinar will to provide up to date information from our partner SAVI on how you can lower your student loan payments and possibly qualify to have part of your student debt forgiven.

Watch a recording of "Managing Student Social Work Debt: What You Need to Know in 2022"

Watch Out! Risk and Liability Concerns for Students and New Professionals

July 18, 2022

Presenters: Betsy Cauble, Dina Larsen and Lonnie Ropp - NASW Assurance Services

What are the common ethical and liability risks social work students and new professionals find themselves in? Learn how to best protect yourself at the NASW Student Series,

Watch a recording of "Watch Out! Risk and Liability Concerns for Students and New Professionals

Clinical Job Hunting: Where to Begin

June 9, 2022

Presenters: Melissa Grudinski, LICSW, MLADC, Director of Clinical Services at PCS Counseling, and; Lynn Stanley, LICSW Executive Director of NASW New Hampshire chapter

Our June 2022 webinar will focus on preparing new social workers to find clinical jobs in 2022. Learn how to build your network while in school; where to look for your dream job; how the clinical job market has changed since COVID began; what new social workers should be looking for in a benefits package; tips on getting hired.

Watch a recording of "Clinical Job Hunting: Where to Begin"

An Introduction to the ASWB Exam: What New Social Workers Should Know

May 16, 2022

Presenter: Dawn Apgar, PhD, LSW, ACSW
Dr. Apgar has helped thousands of social workers across the country prepare for the examinations associated with all levels of licensure. She has taught in undergraduate and graduate social work programs and has extensive direct practice, policy, and management experience.

Note: This webinar is not intended as a licensure exam preparation course.

Webinar materials include:

Study resources:

Watch a recording of "An Introduction to the ASWB Exam"

What is a Social Work License and Why or Why Not is it Important?

April 21, 2022


  • Debra A Riggs (Virginia)
  • Joel L. Rubin, MSW, ACSW, LSW, CAE (Illinois)
  • Leanne Rupp, MSW, LCSW (Colorado)

Watch a recording of "What is a Social Work License and Why or Why Not is it Important?"

Social Work Month Student Town Hall

March 23, 2022
The NASW Student Engagement Series continues with a Social Work Month Student Town Hall. A panel of BSW and MSW students celebrate each other, network, and answer questions about your graduation and job search.

Watch a recording of the March 2022 Student Town Hall

Landing Your Dream Social Work Job

February 17, 2022
Learn best practices and tips for job searching, resumes, cover letters, and more with Michelle Woods, LMSW-Macro, MSW Student Career Services Director at the University of Michigan School of Social Work.

Watch a recording of "Landing Your Dream Social Work Job"

All Social Work is Macro Social Work: Exploring Non-Traditional Career Paths

December 13, 2021
Wondering what it looks like to be a macro social worker? Do you have questions about planning a macro social work career? In this webinar, a diverse panel of professionals with macro-level experiences explored non-traditional social work careers and provided an overview of what career paths exist, how to search for jobs, and more.

Hot Topics in Field Education

November 15, 2021
What are some of the biggest topics being discussed in your social work program? Racial justice? Political action? Unpaid internships? Social work ethics? This student-focused event featured a panel of social workers and students.

Watch a recording of "Hot Topics in Field Education"

Follow NASW

Student Loan Payments to Resume: What You Need to Know

woman smiling at camera over laptop

With the payment pause for student loans ending this fall, it’s crucial that social workers are prepared.
Get updates on student loan debt relief, new programs for repayments, and a path for returning to good standing if you’re in default.

Why join NASW?

NASW members enjoy networking and professional development  opportunities.

Learn about NASW membership benefits