Delegate Assembly Program Priority Goals

The elected delegates will have responsibility to establish the Association's 2024-2027 program priority goals. This is one of the most important jobs of a delegate at the Delegate Assembly. The program goals are initially drafted by the Program Committee and placed before the NASW membership for review and comment. At the culminating meeting of the Assembly, time will be allotted for a Q&A period about the goals, as well as the final floor debate and vote. The program priority goals are adopted under a single motion encompassing the entire set.

The NASW Board of Directors and its programming units, including the chapters, are bound by the priorities established through this process. These program priority goals provide direction, focus, and a context for utilization of the Association's resources of people, time, and money for the above identified period.

NASW Program Priority Goals

(July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2027)

  • Strengthen NASW as the leading resource for social workers
  • Enhance awareness and understanding of the importance of social work
  • Leverage NASW for maximum social, racial, economic, and environmental justice impact in society
  • Champion efforts to support the social work profession
  • Elevate the quality of social work practice
  • Explore and evaluate innovative ideas in the field of social work

Related Resources

Social Work Speaks

Social Work Speaks, 12th ed., is a comprehensive, unabridged collection of policy statements adopted and revised by the NASW Delegate Assembly.

Purchase your copy at NASW Press