National Committee on Women's Issues (NCOWI)
Authorization and Accountability
The National Committee on Women’s Issues (NCOWI) is mandated by the NASW Bylaws (1975), Article XII, Section A. The Committee reports on a regular basis to the NASW Board of Directors on matters of policy and shall coordinate with the Program Coordinating Committee on activities related to program
The National Committee on Women’s Issues develops, reviews and monitors programs of the Association that significantly affect women.
Time Frame
The National Committee on Women’s Issues is an on-going Bylaws mandated committee.
Members, Terms and Criteria
The Committee shall be comprised of up to 5 members. Members serve for 3 years, one of whom will be the Board Secretary or another member of the NASW Board of Directors. The Chair is appointed for 2 years. The membership of the Committee is not included in the affirmative action statistics to avoid distorting the data.
Specific Responsibilities
- Given that women’s issues are core to all association work, this committee shall develop, promote and/or collaborate on methods of insuring inclusion of women’s issues on NASW policies and programs. To promote the development of knowledge, theory and practice as related to women’s issues. To review proposed Delegate Assembly public social policies for their impact on women, and make recommendations for their acceptance or modification. To monitor legislative changes, policy changes, and data affecting policy changes, with regard to women both native-born and immigrant. To identify ways to eliminate sexist social work practices and policies and make recommendations to appropriate organizational units for action.
- To make recommendations on national and international issues affecting health, welfare, and the economic life of women.