School Social Worker Social Media Tools

School Social Worker Toolkit

Use these sample social media posts and hashtags to spread the word about school social work.

Show your social work pride by updating your Facebook profile picture with a fun NASW frame, and download the image on the sidebar to use in your social media posts.


#NASW #SSWAA #BackToSchool

Sample Tweets

Did you know 10 million students are in schools without #schoolsocialworkers? See the full report< via @ACLU @SSWAA #schoolsocialwork #SEL #ClosingthegapSSW #mentalhealth #Back2SchoolSocialWorkers #socialworkers #BackToSchool #pleaseshare

#SchoolSocialWork is grounded in a strengths perspective, giving #SchoolSocialWorkers the eyes to see potential and strengths in each child! @NASW @SSWAA #Back2SchoolSocialWorkers #schoolsocialwork #mentalhealth #ClosingthegapSSW

Did you know almost half of the total #socialwork workforce works in schools with children. Learn more #Back2schoolSocialWorkers #SocialWorkGoes2School #NASW #SSWAA #SWBack2School #BackToSchool

School social workers are instrumental in furthering the mission schools which is to provide a setting for teaching, learning, and for the attainment of competence and confidence. #BacktoSchool #SocialWorkGoes2School #NASW #SSWAA #SWBack2School #BackToSchool

Abt 14 million students are in schools without #schoolsocialworkers, #schoolcounselors, #nurses or #school #psychologists. The social, emotional & behavioral needs of students aren't being met. via @ACLU @TheSSWAA @NASW #Back2SchoolSocialWorkers

#SchoolSocialWorkers are hired by school districts to enhance their district's ability to meet academic missions, especially where home, school & community collaboration is the key to achieving student success. They’re on the front lines of addressing barriers to learning. #Back2schoolSocialWorkers #SocialWorkGoes2School #NASW #SSWAA #SWBack2School #BackToSchool

Federal CRDC data shows a ratio of 2,106 students to 1 #schoolsocialworker, creating a caseload nearly 8 times greater than what experts recommend. Less than 3% of US schools met this professional standard. @ACLU @TheSSWAA @NASW #Back2SchoolSocialWorkers

Schools fortunate to have mental health professionals, like #schoolsocialworkers, are still grossly understaffed. Via @ACLU @SSWAA @NASW #Back2SchoolSocialWorkers #schoolsocialwork #SEL #ClosingthegapSSW #mentalhealth

Federal, state and local dollars must prioritize school #socialworkers, school psychologists, school counselors and school nurses. Via @ACLU @SSWAA @NASW #Back2SchoolSocialWorkers #schoolsocialwork #ClosingthegapSSW #mentalhealth

Millions of students are underserved and lack access to critical support. Via @ACLU @SSWAA @NASW #Back2SchoolSocialWorkers #schoolsocialwork #SEL #ClosingthegapSSW #mentalhealth

Did you know #SchoolSocialWorkers, school #counselors, school #psychologists and school #nurses are frequently the first to see children who are sick, stressed, traumatized & who may act out, or may hurt themselves? #Back2SchoolSocialWorkers @SSWAA @NASW #schoolsocialwork #ClosingthegapSSW #mentalhealth

Students are 21 times more likely to visit school-based health centers for treatment than anywhere else. @ACLU @SSWAA #schoolsocialwork #SEL #ClosingthegapSSW #mentalhealth #Back2SchoolSocialWorkers

Schools that employ more school-based mental health providers see improved attendance rates, lower rates of suspension or other disciplinary incidents, expulsion, improved academic achievement, career preparation and graduation rates. @NASW @SSWAA #Back2SchoolSocialWorkers

Data shows that schools that provide health and #mentalhealth services to our children not only improve the health outcomes for those students, but also improve school safety. @SSWAA @NASW #Back2SchoolSocialWorkers #schoolsocialwork #SEL #ClosingthegapSSW

#School #SocialWork is founded on the values for social justice and empowering marginalized populations, uniquely qualifying school social workers to address student, family, and community needs. @NASW @SSWAA #Back2SchoolSocialWorkers #schoolsocialwork #mentalhealth

School social workers receive training in theoretical frameworks that positions them to address barriers to learning and empower and enlist family involvement in their child's education. @NASW @SSWAA #Back2SchoolSocialWorkers #schoolsocialwork #mentalhealth #ClosingthegapSSW

Did you know school districts often do not meet the #NASW recommendation of at least one social worker per 250 students or one social worker per 50 students when a school has intensive needs? Support #schoolsocialworkers #Back2SchoolSocialWorkers @nasw @SSWAA #mentalhealth

Sample Facebook / Instagram Posts

#SchoolSocialWorkers are trained mental health professionals who can assist with mental health concerns, behavioral concerns, positive behavioral support, academic, and classroom support, consultation with teachers, parents, and administrators as well as provide individual and group counseling/therapy. Support them. #BacktoSchool #NASW #SSWAA

#School #socialworkers bring many positive outcomes to schools, helping students achieve better academic outcomes and help them graduate at higher rates. #BacktoSchool #SocialWorkGoes2School #NASW #SSWAA #SWBack2School #BackToSchool

#NASW and #SSWAA has partnered with coalitions working to support #schoolsocialwork positions. We urge our members and the larger #socialwork community to contact their elected officials to advocate for school social work positions in schools much like they did in New York #BacktoSchool #SocialWorkGoes2School #NASW #SWBack2School #BackToSchool

Federal CRDC data shows a ratio of 2,106 students to 1 #schoolsocialworker, creating a caseload nearly 8 times greater than experts recommend. Less than 3% of US schools met this professional standard. @ACLU @TheSSWAA @NASW #Back2SchoolSocialWorkers

Image for Social Media Posts

Back 2 school with social workers, in the shape of an apple

Download this image(1080x1080)

YouTube Playlist

Watch and share these videos from the "Back to School with Social Workers" playlist.