North Carolina Chapter-Essentials Conference on Aging

“Older & Wiser: Social Work Approaches to the Modern Aging Era”

Anne Harding 0 620

Join NASW North Carolina for our Essentials Conference on Aging being held virtually on August 7, 2024. The conference theme is “Older & Wiser: Social Work Approaches to the Modern Aging Era”.

Today, one in five North Carolinians are aged 65 and older. As North Carolina's Aging population continues to rapidly grow, social workers must be prepared to effectively support the aging population, as well as learn to navigate their own aging journey and those in their families and communities. This conference brings together a variety of aging experts to delve into the multifaceted areas of aging impacting our society today and explore the challenges and opportunities social workers may face with serving older adults. We will explore the topics of Kinship Care (grandparents raising grandchildren), navigating Dementia, Solo Aging, and End-of-life Care and the grief process. Everyone is aging, and it is never too early to educate ourselves on critical topics that will impact our lives and those we serve in our communities.  


8 Hours of CE credit will be offered. 

This conference will be held virtually via Zoom webinar.

Click here to register.

Click here to view conference schedule.


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