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Social Work Advocates

December 2020 / January 2021 Issue

fuzzy outline of a person

Human Trafficking: A Pervasive Human Rights Issue

Human trafficking is a challenge many social workers are addressing by educating others, raising awareness, and fighting to end trafficking as they aid and help survivors heal.

person's profile with wavy lines coming out, clipboard, pen

Inside the Adolescent Mind

When social workers help adolescents recognize their own strengths, it elevates adolescents' roles as experts in their own lives.

Mit Joyner

We Must Examine America's Soul to Address Injustices

NASW President Mit Joyner believes that social workers must engage with community members on issues that continue to divide our nation. She writes, "If democracy is to survive, social work must examine the real soul of America."

Angelo McClain

Healing Begins With Finding Common Ground

NASW CEO Angelo McClain, PhD, LICSW, writes, "Social workers must collectively reckon with the lingering impact segregation, colonization and structured inequality has on our profession, and must recommend approaches to make it more equitable."