EP24: Human Trafficking

NASW Social Work Talks Podcast

Posted Feb. 19, 2019

Our guest Susan Munsey, LCSW, founded GenerateHope, which provides long-term housing, trauma-informed therapy, education, and vocational support for young women and teens who have survived the trauma of sex trafficking. 

A survivor of trafficking herself, Munsey is passionate about rescuing and rehabilitating women and educating people on this issue.

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About Susan Munsey's work

Susan Munsey is founder and Director of Programs at GenerateHope. She sits on the San Diego Regional Human Trafficking and Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children Advisory Council and co-chairs the HT/CSEC Service Provider Committee. She earned her MSW from Smith College and has 25 years of clinical experience in the community, in hospital settings, and in private practice.

GenerateHope is a faith-based organization that provides long-term, comprehensive safe-housing and complex trauma recovery programs to survivors of sex trafficking so that each woman can develop healthy wellness, social, psychological, educational, and vocational strengths, and reintegrate into community.

About Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery. This crime occurs when a person uses force, fraud or coercion to control another person for the purpose of engaging in commercial sex acts or soliciting labor or services against their will.

Further Reading



National Human Trafficking Hotline

Ending the Game
Ending The Game© is a “coercion resiliency” curriculum created by trafficking survivors that reduces feelings of attachment to traffickers and/or a lifestyle characterized by commercial sexual exploitation, with the goal of reducing recidivism among sex trafficking survivors.

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