EP99: Genetics and Family Life: What Social Workers Need to Know

We speak with Allison Werner-Lin, PhD, LCSW, about genetics and family life.

Dr. Werner-Lin is Associate Professor at the School of Social Policy and Practice at the University of Pennsylvania. Her research addresses the intersection of genomic discovery and family life. Her work is among the first to explore the psychosocial challenges unique to women and men of reproductive age who carry a genetic mutation that confers elevated risk of cancer.

Dr. Werner-Lin has held multiple training grants to build and evaluate interdisciplinary educational programs in oncology, genome-based health literacy, and health care social work practice.

Elisabeth Lamotte

Our host for this episode is NASW member Elisabeth Joy LaMotte, LICSW, founder of the DC Counseling and Psychotherapy Center and author of "Overcoming Your Parents’ Divorce." She serves on the Board of Overseers of her graduate school, the University of Pennsylvania School of Social Policy and Practice, the Trustees' Council of Penn Women, and the board of NASW’s Private Practice Section Committee.

Posted March 14, 2023

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