Ethics Resources for Racial Equity

An Important Message About Racism

From NASW’s Ethics, Diversity and Inclusion Department

I am reaching out to you in hopes that my words will provide some encouragement, support and clarity regarding our Code of Ethics and our ethical responsibilities as we try to navigate through the most significant viral pandemic and racial crisis that most of us have witnessed in our lifetime. This is a pivotal moment in our history, and I want to do my part to ensure that all social workers find the path forward.

Read the entire message

Continuing Education

Social Work Ethics in Today’s Political Climate

In this 2017 round table discussion, national experts to weigh in on the current political climate and the ethical implications of social work practice and administration.

Social Media Ethics in Social Work Practice

Six guidelines for ethical professional social media use for social workers are presented as suggestions for applying the Code of Ethics in the digital world.

Behavioral Ethics: A Lens to Examine Ethical Challenges in Social Work Practice

This webinar explores the question of how “good” people can engage in “bad” actions without being aware of the unethical nature of their behavior. Implications for social work practice are explored.

collage of different African American people, some with eyes closed

Racial Equity

NASW is committed to social justice for all and to ending racism. We are mobilized and increasing our efforts in the face of America's racism pandemic.

Learn about our racial equity activities