Our Work
We support our members and advance the profession.
NASW is a membership organization that advocates for all social workers, nationally and locally, and works to shape public policy and advance the role of social work in effecting social change.
All social workers in the U.S. benefit from NASW’s advocacy, but this work is made possible only through membership dues. So NASW must charge dues in order to provide products and services, education and advocacy for social workers.
NASW's policy agenda asserts our advocacy priorities for the legislative cycle. NASW’s policy agenda is
with the NASW policies in
Social Work Speaks, which is developed by
members of the association at Delegate Assembly.
To protect the public and ensure high quality social work services, NASW enforces a Code of Ethics and works to improve regulation of social work in every state. Thanks to these efforts, all states in the U.S. now license or otherwise regulate social work practice.
NASW provides opportunities for continuing education, professional development and networking through in-person and online events and workshops.
We provide our members with the tools and information they need to do their work with confidence and to advance in the profession.
NASW works to shape legislation and public policy that protects and
strengthens the social work profession; promotes health, welfare and
education; or strengthens opportunities and social supports for
individuals and families.
NASW publishes scholarly reference materials, professional journals, comprehensive research abstracts, and a bi-monthly magazine, Social Work Advocates. We also offer practice updates, newsletters, blogs, issue briefs, public education materials and other resources.
We Educate the Public
We educate stakeholders, including members of the public, media, policymakers, voters
and employers, about the importance of the social work profession.