Got Millennials? The Sustainable Workforce of the Future

NASW WI Chapter Webinar

Kyle Northam 0 375
A decade ago, researchers predicted that millennials would comprise 75% of the workforce by 2025 (Fuller,2023). As predicted, the Baby Boomers are entering retirement at record speed, leaving millennials to make up most of the current workforce. In response, social work organizations are taking on an entirely new cultural design. The famous cliché “out with the old and in with the new” in context realistically describes where the social work profession currently finds itself. Now is the time for social work leaders to dive into new opportunities to transform their organizations through meaningful digital content development to embrace and retain their millennial staff. For the sake of the health and survival of social work organizations everywhere, leaders must consider moving on to new opportunities to redesign the existing organizational culture. A deeper understanding of the millennials' behavior will be presented to help the managers adapt their practices and expectations. Want to attract, retain, and motivate millennials?  Research-based recommendations will be presented to help managers be successful with the millennials. They are not going anywhere. They are here to entrench your workforce.

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