Professional Boundaries with Dr Frederic Reamer

Vermont Chapter

Kyle Northam 0 4
Social workers frequently encounter complex ethical challenges involving boundaries and dual relationships. Examples include navigating relationships with clients when practitioners live and work in small or rural communities; managing practitioner self-disclosure; managing friendships and social contact with current and former clients; managing favors, gifts, and invitations; hiring of former clients; and managing online and social networking relationships and communications, among others. Using extensive case material, Dr. Frederic Reamer will acquaint participants with a typology of boundary issues and dual relationships.

An Introduction to Internal Family Systems

New Hampshire Chapter

Kyle Northam 0 80
In the midst of stress and chaos sometimes we are advised to just start by doing one thing: drink more water. Or, we want to make a change but we don't. We want to be more healthy and we can't even do the simplest thing: drink more water. This workshop will help bring a new understanding to why we do the things we do by teaching the components of the IFS model, such as multiplicity of personality and the Authentic Self.

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