NASW Wisconsin
Noon-1 p.m. Central
This workshop examines historical barriers to equity and offers actionable strategies for social workers to advocate for transformative social and emotional learning using a critical race theory lens.
NASW Wisconsin
Noon-1 p.m. Central
This session will provide information to attendees on Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), the importance of early diagnosis and treatment, tools to assist in developing a chronic disease management plan and how to connect individuals to resources and support so they can continue to live their best lives.
NASW Wisconsin
Noon-1 p.m. Central
Through a comprehensive study of research on the gerontological, research on attitudes on aging, and a phenomenological hermeneutic study of women on the value of aging, information will be presented outlining the problems of social services to the aging population. Documented research will be presented showing the effects of ageism on individuals and society. Educational options will be explored, offering positive approaches to aging that will not only help the older adult but can then be reflected in younger generations.
NASW Wisconsin
Noon-1 p.m. Central
This training will help social workers have a basic understanding of transgender, non-binary, and gender diverse individuals, best practice for working with these individuals, and we will discuss common myths that are being spread in our society currently. This training will also give a basic understanding of ways that social workers can advocate for these individuals on a micro and macro level.
NASW Wisconsin
Noon-1 p.m. Central
The incidence of medically induced trauma has been documented, though is not always addressed in medical or therapy settings. The “lucky to be alive” approach, and concerns about liability, dismiss the reality of the estimated 20-30% of ICU patients that have PTSD.