Effective Measurement of IEP Goals and Objectives for Social-Emotional and Behavioral Skills

NASW New York State

Mark Wills 0 1536
5-7 p.m. ET

This training is a follow-up to the in training entitled ‘Writing Effective IEP Goals and Objectives for Social-Emotional and Behavioral Skills’. It is preferred that individuals took part 1 but it is not an absolute requirement, as we will briefly review key takeaways from part 1. In this training, participants will learn how to make effective measurement choices for measuring IEP goals and objectives, learn how to chart and graph student progress data, and learn to write rubrics to measure complex social and behavioral skills.

Post-COVID Syndrome and the Implications for Social Work Practice

NASW New York State

Mark Wills 0 1650
Noon-1 p.m. ET

COVID-19 is a virus that has plagued the world over the past year. As a result of COVID-19, Post Covid Syndrome also known as Long-Haul COVID has begun impacting many people who have contracted the COVID-19 virus. This webinar will provide insight as to who this condition affects, how it is affecting the population, what assistance is available, and what the implications are for social work practice.

Continuing Education: Suicide Prevention

NASW California

Mark Wills 0 2942
Noon-7:30 p.m. ET

This course outlines the general principles of suicide risk identification, assessment, management, and their practical applications in evaluating and working with individuals who are at risk as well as with clients with chronic, severe mental disorders.

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