Susie Baker


NASW California Chapter

facebook post by Susie Baker that reads Susie Baker, LCSW LCSW, ACHP-SW For Social Workers: This is the not the first time, nor will it be the last time that social workers are called to help serve during a national disaster, including public health crises. Being out in the field, we see and hear the reasons why individuals may be hesitant to get the COVID-19 vaccine. Connect to End COVID-19 provides you with information and resources that you can support clients in their vaccine decision making. In the last of this 5 post series, I wanted to share the link to the variety of resources available through NASW. The hope is that through sharing what is available to you as clinicians, you can bring the right information to your clients. Good luck in this continued fight! #publichealth #share #covid #sociatworker #socialworkertife #NASW Vaccine Confidence Resources 35 impressions

Susie Baker, LCSW LCSW, ACHP-SW  For Social Workers: Still curious about myths and facts of COVID-19? Here are 4 Myths and their related Facts! More can be found at the link below. NASW is here to connect with social workers to stop the spread of COVID-19. Check out the initiative now for more resources. Myth: Only some people can catch COVID-19 Fact: Anyone can contract COVID-19 Myth: Everyone experiences the exact same symptoms from COVID-19 Fact: We don't know how COVID-19 will affect each person Myth: All individuals have equal risk of contracting COVID-19 Fact: Certain populations are at greater risk such as: Adults 65 and older, People who are unhoused and those who are socially and/or economically vulnerable Myth: There is nothing out there to help prevent risk from COVID-19 Fact: Vaccines are available with new boosters. #socialworkers #nasw #resources #socialworkerjobs COVID-19 Vaccine Confidence Everyday many more people are becoming partially or fully vaccinated, but there are many ... 1 Like 63 impressions

Susie Baker, LCSW LCSW, ACHP-SW For Social Workers: Complimentary CEU's from the NASW Connect to End COVID-19 Initiative. We know that information out there can get confusing and that is why this initiative is providing complimentary webinars as well as CEUs to learn ways to engage cl ients in conversations to help them make informed health care decisions. Webinar information includes updated information about available vaccines, boosters as well as guidance on What's Next in the Pandemic? are available below! Vaccine Confidence Training for Social Workers 2 min read 52 impressions  Susie Baker, LCSW  LCSW, ACHP-SW For Social Workers: As an ambassador of the NASW Initiative Connect to End COVID-19, I wanted to share a few ways that Motivational Interviewing can help you in conversations with clients who, ... see more Connect to end COVID 19 Logo 103 impressions

Susie Baker, LCSW  LCSW, ACHP-SW For Social Workers: As an ambassador of the NASW Initiative Connect to End COVID-19, I wanted to share a few ways that Motivational Interviewing can help you in conversations with clients who, ... see more Connect to end COVID 19 Logo 103 impressions

Susie Baker, LCSW LCSW, ACHP-SW As an ambassador with the National Association of Social Workers, Connect to End COVID-19 initiative, we hope to reach out to social workers who are in the community and wanting to provide in- ... see more For Social Workers: NASW Connect to End COVID-19 I Balance in Serenity , 3 min read 150 impressions

woman with a mask looking at camera and 2 hands reaching toward each other in a heart graphic

NASW COVID-19 Resources

Social workers support informed decision making about important healthcare choices, provide health information from credible sources, and address mental and behavioral health concerns arising as a result of this public health crisis.

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CDC/HHS Funding

This project and website are supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of a financial assistance award totaling $3.3 million with 100 percent funded by CDC/HHS. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement by, CDC/HHS, or the U.S. Government.