Event date: 4/21/2022 Export event
Mark Wills
/ Categories: Uncategorized

Suicide Postvention Training for Community Providers: Promoting Healing and Reducing Risk After a Sudden Death to Include Suicide

NASW New Hampshire

12:30-5 p.m.

Effective postvention after any sudden death, to include suicide, can reduce risk of additional suicides and promote community-wide healing.

Workshop Objectives:
  • Describe the impact of suicide loss and suicide contagion on individuals and community members;
  • Recognize signs of grief and loss that results after a sudden death, to include suicide;
  • Identify national best practices for suicide postvention and for communication protocols after a suicide to ensure immediate, follow-up response across the community; and
  • Identify community resources and describe how to refer individuals to these local and national resources when needed.
4 Category A Clinical CEUs available

Register for Suicide Postvention Training for Community Providers
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