Event date: 11/7/2022 Export event
Mark Wills
/ Categories: Uncategorized

So, You Want to Start a Private Practice: A Chapter Chat

NASW New York State

6 p.m.

building a social work private practice is a challenging and rewarding career goal that requires initiative, professional experience in the field, a high level of organization, and business savvy.

Join attorney Dan Pepitone to discuss some of the fundamental steps of starting and operating a private LCSW practice. With 15 years of experience as an attorney, Dan provides legal counsel and representation to small businesses and social workers, helping them to build sustainable businesses, navigate risk, and resolve conflicts.

We will talk about writing your business plan, forming and maintaining your business entity, hiring employees and independent contracts, important documents, and more. We will end with questions, answers, and conversation with NYS clinicians on their experience in private practice.

Register for So, You Want to Start a Private Practice: A Chapter Chat at https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEpf-2tqjojE9ak44CBF9gu6RiyhdTD8JwI.
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