Event date: 2/21/2024 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Export event Josh Klapperick / Monday, November 20, 2023 / Categories: Uncategorized Relearning Griefwork: Forget the 5 Stages and use 5 Questions to Guide the Work NASW Wisconsin 1 CEH 12pm-1pm CT Presented by Judith L.M. McCoyd, PhD, LCSW Description: Many social workers were trained to engage with griefwork using Kübler-Ross’ stages of dying, yet people came to apply them broadly to grief generally- a misapplication with problematic implications. Despite most grief theorists’ and researchers’ rejection of the stage approach, people continue to force a 5 stage model. After explaining the problematic aspects of this, we will discuss an alternate approach that centers the grievers’ experience by asking questions rather than assuming standardized responses. Questions that help grievers reflect on areas that current grief theory identifies as important will be suggested as a better map for clinical work with people who are grieving Learning objectives: Be able to differentiate the common phrase “five stages of grief” from Kübler-Ross’ original work. Describe some of the destructive and anti- social work aspects of applying stage theory to grief. Identify at least two newer grief theories that support a question-based intervention. Register for "Relearning Griefwork: Forget the 5 Stages and use 5 Questions to Guide the Work" Previous Article Social Work Licensure Portability in a Post-COVID-19 World Next Article Did They Just Say That? Managing Microaggressions in Everyday Life! Print 1171