Ethics of AI in Social Work Practice: How do we know what we know?

New Hampshire Chapter

Kyle Northam 0 191

Ethics of AI in Social Work Practice: How do we know what we know?

March 28th from 1:00 - 4:15 pm - Three Clinical Category A CEs in Ethics


Please note: This is a hybrid workshop that is occurring after the Social Work Celebration. Through the above registration link, you are able to purchase a ticket to the workshop only and attend in person at Hotel Concord or via Zoom. You do not need to be a NH resident to attend this workshop virtually.

Termination Ethics Forum

NASW-VT Ethics Forum

Kyle Northam 0 409
The forum will explore the different types of termination within the clinical setting, as well as, preparing for the ending of work with a client. During a planned termination a variety of behaviors and emotions resurface and  clinicians must skillfully navigate the changes that this phase of clinical work elicits. After the mini-presentation, participants will discuss case scenarios where ethical dilemmas are confronted.

Ethics & Boundaries Webinar: Practicing Self-Care in an Era of Moral Distress

NASW WI Chapter Webinar

Kyle Northam 0 667
In today's complex and demanding human services landscape, practitioners often find themselves navigating ethical dilemmas and encountering situations that can lead to moral distress. This training course is designed to equip professionals in the human services field with the knowledge, tools, and strategies to address these ethical challenges while prioritizing their own well-being. The course will provide guidance on maintaining healthy boundaries in client interactions, organizational dynamics, and professional relationships. Participants will learn how to navigate ethical dilemmas with integrity and compassion, while safeguarding their own mental health. Course objectives will be established through a combination of interactive lectures, group discussions, and practical exercises.

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