Event date: 1/23/2025 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Export event
Kyle Northam
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Termination Ethics Forum

NASW-VT Ethics Forum

Thursday, January 23
Ethics Forum - Termination
1 Formal CE in Ethics - on zoom


Date and time: Thursday, January 23, 2025 · 12 - 1pm EST
Location: Online

NASW VT, NH & ME Ethics Forum
Facilitated by Danielle DeLongis, LICSW

This program has been approved for 1.0 Continuing Education hour in Ethics for licensure. NASW VT Authorization Number .

NASW Vermont Chapter is recognized by the New York State Education Department's State Board for Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers #SW-0683.

We will explore the different types of termination within the clinical setting, as well as, preparing for the ending of work with a client. During a planned termination a variety of behaviors and emotions resurface and as clinicians we must skillfully navigate the changes that this phase of clinical work elicits. After the mini-presentation, participants will discuss case scenarios where ethical dilemmas are confronted.


At the end of the workshop participants will be able to:
  1. Identify the types of termination
  2. Explain how a clinicians prepares a client for ending clinical work
  3. Discuss the process of termination and ways to manage the clients changing needs at this phase of the work
  4. Discuss ethical dilemmas faced in the termination process

About the facilitator:

Danielle DeLongis, LICSW, CCM is currently a manager at the University of Vermont Medical Center in the integrated care management department. She oversees a staff of RN and Social Work care managers in the primary care settings of family and pediatric medicine. She has a worked as care manager and case manager at UVMMC for 5 years. She has experience as a clinical social worker in private practice, school-based work, as a military family life consultant and as a home health social worker. She was an assistant professor at the VT State College in Johnson, VT for over 20 years in the graduate department of counseling teaching ethics and counseling theory.

This workshop is free to all NASW Members & $25 for not-yet-members.

Workshop details:

The zoom link will be sent to you the day before
Participants are expected to have their cameras on and be able to participate in the peer consulation components in the breakout rooms
The ethics CE is good in VT, NH, ME & NY and most other states (check with your licensing board if unsure)
Want to pay by check? Please email Emryn - elessie.naswnh@socialworkers.org

We are committed to providing information and resources to help all social workers in their professional lives. We are able to do this because of NASW Members - membership dues are a major part of our Chapter's budget. If you are not a member, please consider becoming one today. When you become a member of NASW, you automatically become a member of your Chapter and help support our work.
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