Annual NASW Montana and NASW Wyoming Virtual Conference

NASW Montana and NASW Wyoming

Mark Wills 0 1027
Montana and Wyoming are hosting a virtual conference open to all behavioral health professionals. This event will consist of 15 CEUS and will be completely virtual, providing an accessible learning space for urban and rural participants.

Social Work and Law National Symposium

NASW Texas

Mark Wills 0 1695
The symposium features contributions from a diverse body of justice-oriented persons such as social workers, attorneys, law enforcement officers, advocates, educators, researchers, students, and others with direct industry experience seeking to collaboratively advance the field of forensic social work.

2023 NASW Chapters Virtual Conference

NASW Illinois, NASW Nevada, NASW North Dakota

Mark Wills 0 1985
A Meeting of the Profession

This is a joint virtual conference for NASW Illinois, NASW Nevada, and NASW North Dakota. In-person networking event are being planned regionally.

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