DisAbilities Council: Serving Neurodiverse Individuals as Professional Social Workers (2 CEUs)

NASW-CA Virtual Workshop

Kyle Northam 0 516

This workshop will focus on best practices to use when serving neurodiverse individuals as professional social workers. The effects of racial injustice, equity, and access to support services will be discussed as well as how social workers are addressing these disparities. The presenters will share their personal and professional experiences with neurodiverse individuals, and participants will learn interventions to use with clients and communities they serve.

Concussions and Brain injury: Clinical Considerations

1.5 Category CEs - live on zoom

Kyle Northam 0 654
Social workers encounter survivors of brain injury much more frequently than is typically presumed. Furthermore, many of the behaviors, cognitive and emotional states that may occur as a result of brain injury can be misdiagnosed and there is an unfortunate lack of knowledge among many behavioral health practitioners regarding the sequelae of brain injury.

#3079 - VIRTUAL - Introduction to Special Education for Social Workers - eClass

(Approved for 3 MSDE Continuing Professional Development/CPD credits as course #22-66-04R)

Kyle Northam 0 7082
This course approved for 3 MSDE Continuing Professional Development/CPD credits as course #22-66-04R and fulfills the requirements of the Maryland State Department of Education for certification of school-based social workers.  Because social workers provide related services that are part of the educational programming of students with special needs, it is essential that they understand the legal mandates, federal and state policies and standards, as well as the specific instructional methods and technologies used in the classrooms that serve those students, from the least restrictive settings of inclusion to the more clinical settings, including residential.

2024 NASW-NJ Annual Conference

NASW New Jersey Chapter

Josh Klapperick 0 4322

“Life in a Traumatic World: Implications for Social Work Practice”

April 14-16, 2024

Hard Rock Hotel & Casino, Atlantic City, NJ

Earn up to 23 CEUs

Registration to open in January 2024


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