News Releases

Folks sitting and looking at newspapers, phones, and tablets
Nov 13, 2008

NASW's National Social Work Public Education Campaign is moving forward in 2008, with plans to expand the reach of the new video "On Any Given Day, Social Workers Help," extend the use of print advertising materials and reach out to a broader array of journalists to encourage coverage of the value of social workers.

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Folks sitting and looking at newspapers, phones, and tablets
Nov 10, 2008

Four major mental health associations in the United States - American Association of Pastoral Counselors, American Psychiatric Association, American Psychological Association and the National Association of Social Workers -- have joined to support Give an Hour's efforts to provide free mental health services to returning troops and their families.

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Folks sitting and looking at newspapers, phones, and tablets
Oct 17, 2008

Eight years after both countries signed the United Nations Millennium Declaration, which included a commitment to halve extreme poverty by 2015, little progress has been made.  In a 2007-08 UN report, Canada ranks 8th and the United States 17th   among the 19 developed countries in terms of the human poverty index. In 2006 in the United States, the official poverty rate was 12% of the population, while in Canada 11% of the population was poor as defined by a low-income cutoff after tax.

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Folks sitting and looking at newspapers, phones, and tablets
Oct 08, 2008

NASW Foundation is pleased to announce that Carlton Munson, Ph.D., LCSW, has been awarded the Knee/Wittman Outstanding Achievement Award for his exemplary contributions to social work through health and mental health policy.

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Folks sitting and looking at newspapers, phones, and tablets
Aug 25, 2008

NASW is pleased to honor Vendella Barnett, LCSW, BCD with the NASW Lifetime Achievement Award for her dedication to children and families and to the social work profession.  Ms. Barnett recently retired after 32 years of service to the Neighborhood Youth Association (NYA), an organization that brings the needs of disadvantaged and high-risk youth to the awareness of the community and provides them with programs, services and resources.

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Folks sitting and looking at newspapers, phones, and tablets
Aug 25, 2008

NASW is delighted to name Elvia Krajewski-Jaime, MSW, Ph.D., the 2008 Social Worker of the Year.  Dr. Krajewski-Jaime is a dedicated advocate, committed to the needs of Latino and African American elderly and impoverished families with multicultural healthcare needs.

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Folks sitting and looking at newspapers, phones, and tablets
Aug 25, 2008

NASW is pleased to name Los Angeles Controller Laura Chick the 2008 Public Elected Official of the Year, honoring her dedication to ensuring that the needs of city residents are met by quality and well-funded city programs.

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Folks sitting and looking at newspapers, phones, and tablets
Aug 02, 2008

NASW is pleased to name Eric Alva as the 2008 Public Citizen of the Year for his courage in his military career and his advocacy for fellow military personnel who are gay.

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Folks sitting and looking at newspapers, phones, and tablets
Jul 28, 2008

A Congressional hearing, “Caring for the Vulnerable: The State of Social Work in America,” is scheduled for Tuesday, July 29 at 3:00 EST in the Committee Hearing Room of the 2175 Rayburn House Office Building in Washington, D.C. The hearing is convened by the Healthy Families and Communities Subcommittee of the House Education and Labor Committee and is chaired by Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (NY-4)

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Folks sitting and looking at newspapers, phones, and tablets
Jul 03, 2008

Dr. Kelly was recently honored by Congresswoman Barbara Lee of California, who highlighted his many accomplishments while working in the California State University system. “Dr. Kelly’s commitment to the students and faculty of the CSU system, as well as the community at large, has had a positive impact on countless lives,” she said.

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