Event date: 2/16/2023 Export event
Mark Wills
/ Categories: Uncategorized

Understanding Infant Mental Health as a Place where Trauma Starts and where we can Heal

NASW Wisconsin

Noon-1 p.m. Central

Understanding our client’s, as well as our own trauma experiences, emotional development/health and attachment style as a universal understanding of human experience rather than an "us vs. them" approach to our work, as we are all one in the same; We all experience emotional development in infancy and we all are susceptible to trauma in our lifetime. We all function in relationships that can serve as a source of stress/trauma and resiliency.

1 CEU available

Register for Understanding Infant Mental Health as a Place where Trauma Starts and where we can Heal at https://naswwi.socialworkers.org/Events/NASW-WI-Calendar/ArtMID/49105/ArticleID/2816/preview/true/NOON-HOUR-WEBINAR-Understanding-Infant-Mental-Health-as-a-Place-where-Trauma-Starts-and-Where-we-can-Heal.
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