Event date: 1/25/2023 Export event
Mark Wills
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Ethics & Diversity: Using "Intersectional Ethics" to Provide a Framework for Ethical Deliberation

NASW Minnesota

11 a.m.-1 p.m. Central

In the coming years, social workers should expect to work with an increasingly diverse population. The US Census Bureau projects increased diversity with respect to race and ethnicity by the year 2060. This increasing diversity is likely to be reflected in social work. Thus, accounting for diversity in our ethical practice – including our ethical deliberation processes – is paramount. Cultural values and beliefs – embedded in diversity – are undoubtedly central to our ethical social work practice.

Consistent with recent Minnesota Board of Social Work legislation (effective August 1, 2020) to expand the definition of social work ethics “to include cultural awareness and social diversity,” this interactive workshop proposes the use of a new model: “intersectional ethics”. Drawing from intersectionality, this model seeks to support critical reflectivity in decision-making and deliberative processes. “Intersectional ethics” also provides an anti-oppressive ethics practice framework to move beyond dominant theories such as deontology and utilitarianism to include non-dominant moral theories such as Buddhist and Confucian ethics. As workshop participants will learn, “intersectional ethics” seeks to honor, preserve, and advance diverse human relationships and cultures in social work ethics practice.

At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
  • Identify the intersections of ethnicity, culture, and diversity in ethical decision-making and deliberation;
  • Develop an understanding about how to apply intersectional ethics as a guiding framework in ethical decision-making and deliberation; and
  • Obtain a basic knowledge of dominant and non-dominant moral theories that account for ethnicity, culture, and diversity in ethical deliberation.
2 Ethics CEUs available

Register for Ethics & Diversity: Using "Intersectional Ethics" to Provide a Framework for Ethical Deliberation at https://naswinstitute.inreachce.com/Details/Information/77ce48c2-b7c5-4a96-bf59-0fad7fdd2dea.
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