BIPOC Self Care and Peer Support Group Meeting: Revolutionize Healing

NASW New York State

Mark Wills 0 2113
6-7 p.m. ET

Free and open to all BIPOC Social Workers!

Revolutionize the Profession Town Halls are facilitated discussions that provide data and context for the many ways racism exists in social work practice and education. The Revolution Peer Support Project is a space for BIPOC social workers to connect with peers and process the impact of daily racism.

Revolutionize the Profession: Racism in Social Work Town Hall XIV, “Preparing to Begin the Academic Semester”

NASW New York State

Mark Wills 0 1221
6-7:30 p.m. ET

Join us for another session of NASW-NYS’ Revolutionize the Profession. This series of Town Halls is focused on the following:
  1. Acknowledging the history and current ways that white supremacy and racism exist in social work practice;
  2. Creating goals to achieve a racially just profession;
  3. The development and implementation of an action plan and action groups to achieve these goals.

Post-COVID Syndrome and the Implications for Social Work Practice

NASW New York State

Mark Wills 0 1649
Noon-1 p.m. ET

COVID-19 is a virus that has plagued the world over the past year. As a result of COVID-19, Post Covid Syndrome also known as Long-Haul COVID has begun impacting many people who have contracted the COVID-19 virus. This webinar will provide insight as to who this condition affects, how it is affecting the population, what assistance is available, and what the implications are for social work practice.

Racial Justice Forum

NASW New York State

Mark Wills 0 1268
6-7:30 p.m. ET

Racial Justice Forum is a series of facilitated small group discussions with the purpose of providing opportunities for self-reflection, training on how each of us can improve our anti-racism, as well as practice and preparation to have these conversations in life and practice.

These sessions are not recorded to allow for honest transformative conversations. This session’s focus is to be determined!

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