NASW New York State
6-7 p.m.
LGBTQIA+ social workers are in every area of social work and have been since the beginning of time. Through the Stonewall Rights, the passage of same-sex marriage, and more, social workers have been at the forefront. However, the social work profession has not been free of discrimination and harm to the queer community despite the values that we hold. Don’t believe us, come join us for this panel of a range of folks from the LGBTQIA+ community who also identify as social workers.
NASW New York State
6:30 p.m.
Racial Justice Forum is a series of facilitated small group discussions with the purpose of providing opportunities for self-reflection, training on how each of us can improve our anti-racism, as well as practice and preparation to have these conversations in life and practice.
NASW New York State
6-7 p.m.
The Treatment Not Jail campaign has drawn together diverse stakeholders who bring many perspectives to efforts in New York state to reform the justice system by expanding and reforming existing judicial diversionary programs.
Register for Justice Reform: Treatment, Not Jail
NASW Maryland
Busboys and Poets (Columbia, MD)
It's not just another conference. It's an experience focused on networking, diversity, leadership. trauma, and legacy. From what started as an idea presented to NASW Maryland by one of the leading black social workers in the state is now a five-day conference featuring black presenters from all different backgrounds and skill sets.
Register for the Juneteenth Freedom Conference
NASW North Dakota
1-2 p.m.
The Individual Justice Plan (IJP) process is an evidence-based individualized plan to collaboratively, pro-actively address behavioral issues of youth and adults with cognitive disabilities who may be at risk of, or who are already involved in the criminal justice system.