NASW New York State
6-7:30 p.m.
The Racial Justice Forum is a series of facilitated small group discussions with the purpose of providing opportunities for self-reflection, training on how each of us can improve our anti-racism lens, as well as preparation on how to have these conversations in life and practice. The topic for this Racial Justice Forum will be White Fragility and Black Rage.
NASW New Jersey
6-8 p.m.
Mental-Hop is a symposium style workshop that takes Social Workers and Change Agents on a journey to better understand how Mental-Health & Hip-Hop can be utilized together to positively impact the lives of those we serve.
NASW New Jersey
Noon-2 p.m.
This webinar will address complex ethical, malpractice, and risk-management issues pertaining to documentation of services and critical incidents in social work settings.
NASW New Jersey
Noon-2 p.m.
Social workers sometimes witness, perpetrate, or fail to prevent acts that violate their deeply held beliefs. The harm that they experience is referred to as moral distress or injury. In this webinar, Frederic Reamer discusses moral distress, injury, and demoralization; the symptoms that can manifest; prevention, self-care, and resilience; legal and ethical obligations, including what it means to be a whistleblower; and how to develop moral courage to advocate for organizational and policy changes to prevent harm.
NASW New Jersey
6-8 p.m.
This webinar will explore cutting-edge ethical issues arising out of social workers' growing use of digital technology, electronic interventions, and online social media to deliver services, communicate with clients, and search online for information about clients. The workshop will focus on key ethical challenges related to privacy, confidentiality, privileged communication, informed consent, boundaries, and nontraditional interventions, among others.