News Releases

Folks sitting and looking at newspapers, phones, and tablets
Sep 03, 2013

The Gosnell Scholarships are awarded for one academic year to students who have demonstrated a commitment to working with, or a special affinity for American Indian/Alaska Native and Hispanic/Latino populations.

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Folks sitting and looking at newspapers, phones, and tablets
Sep 03, 2013

 The Lyons Scholarships are awarded to Master of Social Work candidates who express an interest in or work with the African American community through practice in health or mental health services. 

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Folks sitting and looking at newspapers, phones, and tablets
Sep 03, 2013

The Aron Fellowship provides partial support for doctoral students who are engaged in dissertation research in health care policy and practice.

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Folks sitting and looking at newspapers, phones, and tablets
Sep 03, 2013

The Blackey Fellowship provides partial support to social work doctoral candidates who are engaged in dissertation research in welfare policy and practice.

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Folks sitting and looking at newspapers, phones, and tablets
Aug 24, 2013

On Saturday, August 24, 2013, social workers joined tens of thousands of other Americans to recognize and commemorate one of the most important mass expressions of social consciousness in this country’s history—The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.

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Folks sitting and looking at newspapers, phones, and tablets
Aug 15, 2013

NASW urges you to support the National Action to Realize the Dream March on August. And we want you to work with us on the grassroots level and nationally in months ahead to use the momentum from this event to support legislation and regulations to address social issues that are important to our profession.

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Folks sitting and looking at newspapers, phones, and tablets
Jul 01, 2013

The Court’s decision on Section 4(b) will likely lead to many discriminatory voter suppression laws in states that have histories of voting rights violations. The Court also ignored the fact that Congress had reauthorized the Voters Rights Act in 2006 with overwhelming bipartisan support.

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Folks sitting and looking at newspapers, phones, and tablets
Jun 26, 2013

NASW commends the Supreme Court of the United States for its decision today to strike down the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) as unconstitutional in the case U.S. v. Windsor. 

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Folks sitting and looking at newspapers, phones, and tablets
Jun 14, 2013

 The Smart on Crime initiative also seeks to reduce unjust sentences for some inmates facing extraordinary circumstances who pose no threat to public safety, among other things.

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Folks sitting and looking at newspapers, phones, and tablets
Jun 04, 2013

NASW CEO Angelo McClain, Ph.D., LICSW, was one of 150 people invited to participate in the National  Conference on Mental Health hosted by the White House this week.

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Folks sitting and looking at newspapers, phones, and tablets
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