Supervision: Foundations of Supervision

NASW Virginia

Josh Klapperick 0 1121

September 20-21, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. ET.
14 CEs, including 2 Ethics CEs. Registration deadline: Sept. 18. Hurry—This course always fills fast, and space is limited!

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the most critical issues for the clinical supervisor in social work and better understand the function of supervision and the role of the supervisor.
  • Discuss useful theories and approaches when supervising individuals or groups of supervisees.
  • Identify and understand potential ethical issues related to supervision.

Note: This course fulfills the training requirement mandated by the Virginia Board of Social Work to provide clinical supervision for LCSW candidates.

Presenter: Delores Dungee-Anderson, PhD, LCSW CTST

Supervision: Foundations of Supervision

NASW Virginia

Josh Klapperick 0 1121

September 20-21, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. ET.
14 CEs, including 2 Ethics CEs. Registration deadline: Sept. 18. Hurry—This course always fills fast, and space is limited!

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the most critical issues for the clinical supervisor in social work and better understand the function of supervision and the role of the supervisor.
  • Discuss useful theories and approaches when supervising individuals or groups of supervisees.
  • Identify and understand potential ethical issues related to supervision.

Note: This course fulfills the training requirement mandated by the Virginia Board of Social Work to provide clinical supervision for LCSW candidates.

Presenter: Delores Dungee-Anderson, PhD, LCSW CTST

Understanding and Supporting Clients After Abortions

NASW Virginia

Josh Klapperick 0 988

September 19, 9 a.m.-12:15 p.m. ET.
3 CEs, including 1 ethics CE.

This workshop will provide social workers with foundational information about working with clients who have had abortions.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify your personal abortion-related values and how they might impact your work.
  • Learn about the myths and facts about the relationships between abortions, mental health, and emotions, as well as receive a framework through which to understand their clients’ experiences.
  • Explain what the best scientific evidence suggests about the relationship between abortions and emotions.
  • Discuss legal and ethical considerations.
  • Demonstrate identifying and vetting a possible after-abortion support resource for clients.

Presenter: Rachel L. Dyer, PhD.

Licensure Exam Prep Training

NASW Virginia

Josh Klapperick 0 1171

August 23, 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. ET. 6 CEs.
Registration deadline: Aug. 21.

This workshop will walk social workers at the BSW, MSW, and clinical levels of licensure through the necessary steps to pass the ASWB exam and reduce test anxiety. Included with the course is a full exam guide and 6-month digital access to ExamPrepConnect (see below).

Learning objectives:

  • Get organized to create a study plan.
  • Review the exam domains.
  • Address sample questions.
  • Reduce test-taking anxiety.
  • Learn how to use the learning management system, ExamPrepConnect, so you can study by topic to identify your strengths and weaknesses, create custom quizzes based on topics for which you need more study, strengthen your knowledge with 170 practice questions and detailed answer rationales, take two timed practice tests, connect with other exam candidates using the discussion board, and play games to make studying fun.


Supervision: Foundations of Supervision

NASW Virginia

Josh Klapperick 0 1549

August 9-10, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. ET.
14 CEs, including 2 Ethics CEs. Registration deadline: August 7. Hurry—This course always fills fast, and space is limited!

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the most critical issues for the clinical supervisor in social work and better understand the function of supervision and the role of the supervisor.
  • Discuss useful theories and approaches when supervising individuals or groups of supervisees.
  • Identify and understand potential ethical issues related to supervision.

Note: This course fulfills the training requirement mandated by the Virginia Board of Social Work to provide clinical supervision for LCSW candidates.

Presenter: Nikole Jiggetts, LCSW


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